It is an Argentine company dedicated to: advice, control and certifications of ship degassing, with a national or foreign flag. Framed on the guidelines of (Reginave) art, 407.0101 of the PNA enforcement authority of the governing state. Its clients are the shipping industry, shipyards, as well as fuel storage terminals, gas, oil, chemicals, oils, grain storage terminals throughout the Argentine national territory.
With extensive experience in the energy and transport sector developing its services throughout the country from the north of the coast to Ushuaia Tierra del Fuego, being able and having accreditation to boarding service helicopters to (offshore platforms and ships) free gass naval company It is registered with the Argentine Naval Customs Navigation Authority.
FREE GASS NAVAL has the best credentials to present at the enforcement authority of the Argentine Republic. Its headquarters are located in Rosario, Santa Fé.
Provide our clients a portfolio with an excellent service by providing the best guarantees in the accuracy of gas level readings, lie / lsp ranges, explosive-poor-rich-oversaturated atmospheres.
Gas neutralization control, gas control before, during and after tank washing, by cow / water / water methods with tactile additives / passivated with acid / degassing by dilution-aspiration -air injection-by eductor-by saturation of inert gas control of % of oxygen in tank with inert gas-injection of inert gas and purged up to levels of safety of cargo transport in tanks, with more services at its disposal that the industry currently requires, such as measurement of particulates in suspension in air-values of gas levels in grain storage silos, supervision services in degassing or inerting as appropriate-sealing and bridging of pipes-washing-ventilating tanks-gas control-in fuel storage port terminals.